Soil To Mind

"Dharma is not a matter of intellectual study and debate. It is a way of life"- Sri Tathata

Human-A great opportunity

Human being is the noblest of all created beings, but we lost sight of that nobility. The nobility ascribed to man is because of his ability to the divine fulfillment of life.(Dharmasutras)

Healthy way of life

Healthy way of life was part of Vedic tradition formulated by enlightened Rishis. Vedic way of life are ways to lead life in peaceful manner with prosperity and happiness. These great tradition has been deep rooted in human life and people followed and lead a better life for many centuries. But in modern life style people have forgotten or neglected the soul’s natural way of accumulating knowledge and experiencing life; we are rushing behind the physical pleasure and wealth in an unconscious way. This neglecting of the souls and the imbalance of life is reflected in the increased mental, physical and behavioral disorders. The worries of life and the distorted and unhealthy food habits have made us a generation polluted more than the generations before.Currently people are facing problems like metabolic deceases, joint and skeletel problems, cardio-vascular deceases, hyper tension, overweight, chronic deceases, stress, violence and so on in this unhealthy life style. Without balancing body, Prana and Mind moving ahead will be disastrous. In-case we go ahead we are going to encounter more impaired souls and polluted bodies around us and it will reflect in increased diseases and mental disorders and unexpected behavior.

Anti - Ageing
Herbal Beauty Care
De - Stress
Be in the nature
Weight Management
Pain Relief


The solution is the middle path of Vedic tradition formulated by the lineage of enlightened Great masters. The method is combining and balancing the spiritual and materialistic life in a harmonious way with the rhythm of Nature. That is is combining the Knowledge and Power in its right proportion to reach the goal of Supreme Enjoyment with the right way of life style. The first step is to cleanse our Soul’s Vehicle-our body, prana and mind through Ayurveda, Yogic Science and Vedic Rituals.

The scientific and holistic methods

Ayurveda’s one of the main focus is on prevention of deceases and to maintain a healthy longevity.It’s always profitable in life that prevention is better than cure. Through its traditional and authentic way of treatments we can de-toxify and cleanse our body, prana and mind and make it ready for kick starting our life journey towards the Supreme enjoyment which is our birth right.

Yoga, Pranayama, Meditation in its traditional and purest form , high pranic food and drinking enough water removes dust and toxins from our body, prana and mind. Kalari-Martial Arts adds to increase the perceptory skills by invoking inner energies and helps to revitalize body, prana and mind.

Realizing the need of the time many are tuning their lives to a balanced lifestyle in the way of righteousness - Dharma. The balanced life starts from the Soil. Cultivate organic food material using indigenous cow’s manure and prepare food with ayurvedic health principles, right intention and prayers will energize the body. It will transform the energy into Ojas - the essential energy for a healthy and happy life. Through Yoga, Pranayama, Meditation and Kalari take this energy to the Prana. When you are energetic in Prana you start enjoying life and keep away deceases and worries. We in’ Soil to mind’ Retreat adopt this scientific approach in a holistic manner.

The twenty eight days ‘soil to mind’ retreat is designed to create intense awareness of the benefit of protecting our soil and cultivating and eating high pranic organic food, its preparation and making Yoga, Pranayama and meditation our daily routine. Most important to experience life as a celebration and to live life to its fullest potential with mindfulness in the path of righteousness -Dharma. The typical life transforming program included in the twenty eight days retreat is as given below.

Activities to make life a Celebration with health and happiness

  • Ayurveda Acharya’s Consultation for carefully planned and closely monitored treatments for detoxification and rejuvenation
  • Ayurvedic Treatments in a holistic manner with traditionally prepared medicines
  • Regular practice of advanced yogic postures, meditation and breathing techniques for the oxygenation of the body and vibrational improvement of the mind
  • Kalari-Martial Arts to enjoyably summon your energy each day and to increase the perceptory skills
  • Ayurvedic Diet prepared with right intention and prayers
  • Cooking classes hosted by our highly experienced personnel – using ingredients taken from our Organic farm
  • Gosala visits and Gau Pooja – meet the foundation of Vedic tradition – the desi cows (indigenous) that graze our fields each day, whom we worship daily, and who produce the most nourishing milk and ghee in the world
  • Visits to our organic farm to learn how we develop soil rich in organic energy and mineral content by using the highly effective methods developed by our ancient farming societies and patiently waiting for vibrant soil to develop
  • Ayurvedic satsang – intimate discussions held by our highly regarded Ayurvedic Acharyas (doctors)
  • Daily Agnihotra (Sunrise & Sunset Homam) and other Vedic Rituals for creating a healing environment and cleansing aura
  • Satsang on Dharmasutra (discussion) about the righteous way of general living according to the urge of our (Jeeva) life principle and goal of Nature
  • Divine music and dance to rejoice in the evening

21 - 28 Days Life Transforming Retreat

Soil To Mind Retreat Activities

Soil to Mind Concept

Daily schedule

• 1. 5.00 AM-Yoga, Pranayama and Meditation

• 2. 6.15 AM-Sun gazing and salutation

• 3. 6.30 AM-Sunrise Homam

• 4. Daily Ayurvedic Consultation & Massage(Appropriate timing)

• 5. 8.00 AM-Organic Vegetarian Breakfast

• 6. 7.15 AM & 7.15 PM-Learn Yog Sutras, Powerful Sanskrit Mantras and insight into the ‘Dharmasutra’-the new age dharma

• 7. 2.00 PM-Organic Farm Visit and Awareness Classes(Friday)

• 8. 2.00 PM-Indigenous Gosala (Cattle Farm Visit on Friday)

• 9. 1.00 PM-Organic Vegetarian Lunch

• 10. 8.30 AM-Pharmacy Visit and Awareness Classes(Wednesday)

• 11. 4.30 PM-Introduction to ancient martial arts ‘Kalari’

• 12. 3.30 PM-Cooking Class

• 13. 5.30 PM-Organic Vegetable Dinner

• 14. 6.00 PM-Sun gazing and salutation

• 15. 6.30 PM-Evening Homam and Chanting

• 16. 7.00 PM-Bhajan(Divine Songs)(Monday & Friday)

Retreat Sheduled on

April - 3rd to 30th

May - 3rd to 30th

June - 3rd to 30th

Tariff starts at 75 Euro per day [Early Bird offer]